Robert Sandoval

for Marin Municipal Water District


Like many of us, my wife, Linda, and I live in Marin because we fell in love with this community and knew that this was where we wanted to raise our family. Every day walking along Point San Pedro Road with my kids, sitting outside Andy’s Local Market watching the boats in Loch Lomond Harbor, or hiking the trails on Mt. Tam, I’m reminded of how blessed we are and the responsibility of stewardship, which is ours, because we have the privilege to live in such an exceptional place.

My abuelito was born in California in 1921. He was of modest means and took tremendous pride in hard work and helping his community. This work ethic and investment in the future created the foundation for my father, and then, my own family. I hope to further this legacy passed on through the generations by bringing passion and a broad perspective to the Board. 

I am a native Californian, the son of Mexican American and Jewish parents, and now the father of a young family. From an early age, I grew up watching my mother, a public works project manager, planning large-scale community improvement projects—sitting beside her, impressed by her diligence and attention to detail. We need to be planning and implementing with that same thoughtfulness, urgency, and focus right now.

The dedication to planning for the long term and building a foundation that will support those yet to come has been passed down to me through generations and is deeply embedded in my own path. 

The Marin Water Board needs this level of forethought and commitment right now. I’m looking at the landscape we will leave our children and theirs. Our actions and choices today lay the groundwork for their future.

As a steward of the environment, a problem solver, and an accomplished legal and community leader with the skills to distill complex problems, I look forward to working together, sharing a fresh perspective, and bringing renewed dedication to addressing these challenges. 

I would be honored to earn your vote on November 5th and work tirelessly to protect our community’s future.

With gratitude,

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Follow @SandovalForMarinWater on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on the campaign!